Location: Los Angeles, California
Building Type: Single Family Residential
Construction Type: Wood Construction
Project Phase: Under Construction
Year of Construction: 2024
Gross Square Footage: 1,000
PHPP Verification: Download
Additional Info: Click Here

Project Team

Architect: PARAVANT Architects
General Contractor: Goliath Construction
Passive House Certifier: Home Energy Services
Passive House Consultant: Christian Kienapfel
Project Submitted by: Christian Kienapfel


Project Description

Two-story single-family residence with ADU is located in West Los Angeles, California by PARAVANT Architects. This project is part of a SB-9 development per the new State of California regulations in order to create more residential units addressing the housing shortage within the City of Los Angeles. The building is designed to meet the International Passive House Standard and is intending certification with the International Passive House Institute.

This project is designed by PARAVANT Architects.

Team: Siavosh Sepanta, Frank Maldonado

Photo Credit: Christian Kienapfel