Renovation of a 1880 masonry building, with brick “lean-to” and woodframed extension. The latter was rebuild, as well as the roof structure was rebuild to add living space and increase insulation to Passive House levels (R50)
All original floors from the house were reused, as well as part of the wood beams of the extension were used in rebuilding that part of the building. Local untreated siding installed in gables and extension to create vented cavity.
All insulation is either cellulose or Gutex woodfiber insulation – no oil based/foam insulation (spray or board) is used in the project.
Original 2 whyte masonry walls, are insulated with 5.5″ of cellulose behind INTELLO Plus on 2×4 or 2×3 studs – there is a 1.5″ insulated service cavity on the inside of this air/vapor control layer.
The project will use a 6.5kW PV array to become net-zero. The only sheathing in the project is plywood in extension and in flatroof. Which is a foam free flatroof, that which airseal/vapor control is made with ProClima INTELLO Plus system as well.
Metal roof features a Lamilux skylight at the apex – bringing light into the center hallway on 2nd/1st floors – roof has no sheating: it is racked by the battens and counter battens above the MENTO Plus roof underlayment and 14″ TJIs. These I-joists are dense packed with cellulose behind INTELLO Plus on interior.