The site is located at the corner of East 181st (3111-35) in the Belmont section of the Bronx, NY. 2126 Mapes is R7-1 zoning. The lot area is 7,131 square feet currently owned by Neighborhood Restore. The project is expected to be financed under HPD New Construction Program (NCP), a Private- Bank Loan, and Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Equity. The 6-story building will contain 30 apartments including 2 Studio’s, 6 one-bedrooms, 16 two-bedrooms, and 6 three-bedrooms. The rents and Incomes are expected to be restricted to a maximum of 30%, 60% and 80% of AMI. The project is designed and constructed to a rigorous Passive House standard that will significantly reduce the development’s environmental impact. The project will feature solar photovoltaic panels. The building activates healthy living conditions through active design, quality indoor air systems and building uses that feature fitness and exercise elements that meet Enterprise Green Community standards. The total development cost is estimated at $18 million.